Transfer Matrix Method
Three types of 2x2 transfer matrices are used to characterize porous materials \((T_{eq})\), air \((T_{air})\), and Maa microperforates \((T_{maa})\) in acoustipy.
The transfer matrices are also defined under 2 different sound field conditions -- normal and diffuse incidence.
Normal Incidence Matrices
where \(Z_{c}\) and \(k_{c}\) are the characteristic impedence and wavenumber of the material calculated by the ADD_XXX_Layer methods implemented in acoustipy. \(Z_{0}\) and \(k_{0}\) are the characteristic impedence and wavenumber of air and are determined via:
where \(\rho_{0}\) is the density of air, \(\omega\) is the angular frequency, and \(c_{0}\) is the speed of sound in air.
Diffuse Incidence Matrices
where \(k_{x}\) is:
and \(\theta\) is the angle of incidence.
To obtain the total transfer matrix \((T_{t})\) of a multilayered structure, matrix multiplication is performed using the individual transfer matrices -- starting with the layer closest to the incident sound.
The illustration below is an example of a resistive screen on the face of a porous material, backed by a layer of air.
This is represented by: